BIRDY ChIRPS: the blog

Hanna Bankier Hanna Bankier

How Do I Parent Now?

So, you’ve been a hands-on parent for a couple of decades or so. I have 2 kids and they are 3 years apart so I’ve been in hands on parenting for about 20 years. My youngest is a High School Senior so I know my hands on parenting days are numbered.

Now what?

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Hanna Bankier Hanna Bankier

ReFeather You

I’m saying it’s time to ‘refeather’ you! As mamas many of us put ourselves at bottom of the to do list, finding ourselves, our wants and needs, at the bottom of the laundry basket. We are the care takers, often tending to others’ needs ahead of our own.

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Hanna Bankier Hanna Bankier

Becoming a Free Bird

You are in the Birdy Launching process, with the end goal of becoming a Free Bird. Please take a moment and sit with that word. How different doesn’t it feel over ‘empty nester’?

When I hear ‘empty nester’ I picture a dried out, soiled, sad looking nest, with some scattered feathers here and there. It makes me sad. I don’t want to picture my home or my life like that.

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Hanna Bankier Hanna Bankier

What is Birdy Launching?

Birdy Launching is the major life transition you are going through as your kids leave the nest. This process is one of loss and sadness, a time of pride and excitement. A time when we need each other. Here at BirdyLauncher, we don’t call it ‘empty nest’... because the nest isn't empty - you are still there!

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